The administration of physical infrastructure and public utilities (PIPU) is one of the big and the most important department that always provides more services to the community through its various sections.
The administration department it’s composed of the following sections:
- Administration , human resources & Finance.
- Water enovirmental & sanitation.
- Roads, bridges, Aviation, transportation, public utilities.
- Land management &survey and planning.
- Electricity
- Abyei urban planning, about seen thousand plots were showed.
- Renovation of feeder roads in four counties ( Rumameer / Alal / Ameth-Aguak /Mijak ).
- Rehabilitation of fifty water facilities in the area .
- Renovation of road from Todac to Langer North Abyei area.
- Renovation of Agok air strip.
- Construction of feeder road from main road to youth union Centre.
- Lack of seating space (No offices for the mentioned after sections / Survey / land management, Electricity, public buildings, aviation, communication).
- Lack of Mobility, the whole has only two vehicles (minister / WES team).
- Lack of civil engineers. (Survey/ land management.
- Lack of trained staff.
- Lack of allocated budget for WES team for quick response for the purposes of continuing rehabilitation operation for water points in the area.
Ongoing plans
- In planning sector Allotment process is going on in Abyei for showed plots in the town.
- In water sector the rehabilitation operation is continuous , were 53 boreholes is identified to be rehabilitate in south river kiir.
Future plans
- Construction of Ministry of physical infrastructure and public utilities headquarters, were all sections of the department will have seating space create a conducive work environment.
- To continue execution or implement Abyei urban master plan map to meet the demands of rapid growing population in Abyei town.
- To expand and fencing Agok air strip.
- To lobby for construction of Akejnhail & Rumameir bridges.
- To dig four (4) water yards in Abyei town to implement urban connection system into privates houses or make water points which will be easy accessible to the community.
- To dig one borehole in Meyen-Koor.
- To lobby with WES partners and Abyei special administration to buy water lab for WES section office to make sure that drinking water in Abyei area is safe and healthy for human & Animals use.
- to request from human resources section in the department of physical infra-structure and public utilities to enroll civil engineers & technical cadres into payment roll.
- Planning the four counties headquarters (Mjiak /Rumameir/Ameth-Aguak in Doungap/ Alal in Noong).
10. Ministry of physical Infra structure and public utilities is planning to established Abyei town power station in coordination with ministry of finance and economic development and other partners like World Bank.