Local Government and Law Enforcement Agencies
The minister of local government and Law enforcement Agency consist of four counties, Abyei municipality, and organized forces and traditional authorizes.
The aim of Local Government is to maintain law and order in the area and to help the community to be self-governance. To provide an equitable distributions of resources and build mutual trust between the government and citizens through the provision of information and guaranteed access to information and also to ensure accountability of decision makers to the people in all matters of public interest .The composition of the local government and law enforcement as follows:
- Alal county
- Ameth-Aguok County
- Rumamer County
- Mijak County
- Abyei municipality
- Police Services
- Prison Services
- Fire Brigade Services
- Wild Life Service
- Traditional Authority
The vision of the ministry
- To build strong relationship in the counties between the communities
- Build HQ in the county or rehabilitate the old ones
- Create some development projects in the counties and Abyei Municipality
- Restore peace and security in the counties and municipality
- Promote democratic, transparent and accountable local government
- Promote self-governance
- Restore law and order
- acknowledge and incorporate the role of tradition authorities and customary law in the local government system
- Encourage the involvement of communities and community based organization in local governance
- Promote dialogue among community on matters of local interest
- Ensure gender mainstreaming in local government
- Consult and involve communities in decision making
- Promote self- reliance
- Promote peaceful co-existence
- Construction of fence.
- Construction of latrine.
- Training of administrative officers
- Training of fire brigade
- Training of tradition authority
- Purchasing of air conditioner and frigate
Future plan:
- Rehabilitation of Alal county headquarter
- Constructions of Ameth Agouk county office
- Providing facilities for law enforcement agencies
- Purchasing generator for the ministry
- Inadequate space for staff office in the ministry
- Inadequate mobility for Counties
- Insecurities in Counties
- Inadequate furniture in ministry and counties offices
- Lack of computers in offices
Way forward:
- Construction of new offices
- Providing vehicles to facilitate the movement
- Deploying more forces in the counties
- Purchasing furniture
- Purchasing computers.