Ministry of Gender, Child and Social
From 2009 to 2013, the Social Welfare Office fall under the umbrella of the Ministry of Services, including Education, Health, Culture, Media and Social care, but after the First decision of republican order for the establishment of Abyei Special Administrative Area in 2015, it was separated from the Ministries of Education, Culture and Information – Health and Social care.
In 2023 and according to the second Administrative order for Chief Administrator of Abyei, the Department of Social welfare was established, the Ministry of Social Welfare became an independent Ministry with six main sections as follow:
1. Director General
2. Financial and Administration Affairs
3. Social care
4. Project Manager
5. Religious Affairs
6. Gender Affairs
The primary objective of Ministry of Gender, Child and Social welfare is to have a department responsible for policy formulation and monitoring and evaluation of gender, children and social welfare issues within the context of the national development agenda.
The mandate of Ministry is to ensure gender equality, promote the welfare and protection of the rights of children and, empower the vulnerable, excluded, the aged and persons with disabilities, for sustainable national development. In line with its mandate the department embarked on institutional restructuring and realignment process to clarify its roles and responsibilities.
The goal of Ministry is “to promote an integrated society that offers equal opportunity for both men and women and safeguards the rights of children, and empower the vulnerable, excluded, the aged and persons with disabilities. By social protection interventions to contribute to national development”.
The vision Ministry is “to create a harmonious society in which the survival and development of the sexes, children, the vulnerable, and persons with disabilities are guaranteed.”
The mission of Ministry of Gender, Child and Social welfare is “to contribute to the development of the nation by achieving gender equality; facilitate the reinforcement of the rights of children; promote the integration and protection of vulnerable, including persons with disabilities in the development process working with integrity, excellence, fairness and respect for diversity”.
o The core values of the department are the following:
o Excellence
o Fairness
o Transparency
o Client focus
o Respect for diversity
o Inclusiveness
o Integrity
o Confidentiality
In furtherance to Ministry’s mandate, the following core functions guide its operations:
· Formulate gender, child development and social protection practices;
· Co-ordinate gender, child development and social practices.
· Develop guidelines and advocacy strategies for use of all departments Agencies (DAs)
· Facilitate the integration of gender, children and social protection policy issues into national development agenda.
· Provide guidelines and advocacy strategies for Ads and other development partners (DPs) for effective gender and social protection mainstreaming.
· Ensure compliance with international protocols, conventions and treaties in relation to children, gender and social protection.
· Conduct research into gender, children and social protection issues.
· Monitor and evaluation projects on gender, children, the vulnerable, excluded and persons with disabilities.
· Ensure the availability of appropriate administrative and finical management systems and support services for effective and efficient running of the department/sector for enhanced services delivery.
ü Facilitate community-based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities;
ü Assists and facilitate provision of community care services including;
ü Registration of persons with disabilities,
ü Assistance to the aged,
ü Personal social welfare
ü hospital welfare services
ü Assistance to street children, child survival development; and socio-economic and emotional stability in families
v Budget, planning and monitoring programs
v Child rights promotion and protection programs
v Justice and administration programs
v Community care programs